How to Have Faith in Yourself

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All of us have heard the Biblical saying, “faith without works is dead.”  

But how many of us have applied this to our own lives.

So many people we meet do not believe in themselves.

They do not believe that they are capable.

They do not believe that they have what it takes.

But I want to ask you a question: What good is faith if you don’t put it into action? 

Many people believe that having faith is all they need, but that’s not the case. 

Faith without works is dead. You have to do something with that faith; you can’t just sit on it. 

In fact, one of the reasons we sit on our faith is because we are constantly seeking validation from others. 

We want others to tell us that we’re doing a good job, that we’re worth something, that we’re valuable. 

But is looking for external affirmation really what our faith should be about? 

Or should we be focused on putting our faith into action? 

In other words, should our focus be on believing in ourselves versus waiting for someone else to believe in us?

If you are waiting for someone to validate you then your dreams are already dead. Your destiny will never come to fruition. 

We must have faith in ourselves and then start exercising our faith against all odds!

Kevin R. Johnson, Ed.D.